The 10 commandments of fall protection
1. You must use fall protection if there is a risk of falling
When performing tasks with a risk of falling or 2 meters from vertical fall on flat work area, you MUST use fall protection equipment.
2. You must evaluate each work assignment
When arranging your work with fall protection equipment, take into account any physical or mental stresses, inconveniences, etc. associated with the use of the equipment.
3. The anchorage must be capable of withstanding a drag of 1.200 kg
As far as possible, it must be established above head height.
4. You must count your own height in calculating the fall length
When using arresters, it is important to calculate the required clearance. Find more info on ground clearance in the product's user guide.
5. Guidance and testing. A requirement before using the equipment
Fall protection is a class 3 product. This means that improper use can result in severe bodily injury or, at worst, death. Thorough guidance and testing before use is therefore a requirement, and the top management of a company is responsible for the guidance being implemented.
6. It is dangerous to hang in a harness – therefore prepare an evacuation plan
When using fall protection, it is a legal requirement that a rescue and evacuation plan has been prepared. This plan is to ensure that a person who has fallen, and is now hanging in his fall protection equipment, can be quickly rescued or lowered down, thereby avoiding hanging trauma. Hanging trauma can cause blood clots in less than ½ hour.
7. Check your weight against the specifications of the equipment
Max. user weight for fall protection may vary – therefore find more user weight info in the product's user guide.
8. You must register the equipment before you use it for the first time
A log book of the equipment must be kept and the date of first use, serial number and production date must be noted.
9. You must send the equipment for inspection immediately after a fall
After a fall, the equipment may no longer be used. Harnesses and products with webbing or rope must be discarded and large blocks of wire must be sent to an authorized service workstore.
10. You must send the equipment for inspection at least once a year
Fall protection equipment should be inspected by a trained Competent Person at least once a year. The person must be able to present a valid certificate showing the status of "Competent Person with regard to visual inspection of fall protection".